About Us

We Are Invested In Your Health

HighDep Wellness was established in 2022 in response to the call to collectively assist in ushering in the energy enhancement of humanity. We believe alignment with the ultimate power of Divine Love and Light, heals all. We trust in the modalities of Prayer, Holy Fire Reiki, Spiritual Hygiene, Intuitive Dowsing, Ho’ Oponopono, Ma’at Self Mastery, iChing Systems and the EESystem, as expressions of Divine Love and Light to optimize the well-being and outcomes of humanity.

Thank you for connecting with us in the unified field of consciousness. We are proudly located in Oakland, California. We are honored to share in your journey to reach optimal health and well-being.

The Restore and Recover Program

...reflects our commitment to impact individuals, families, and communities harmed by institutional, social, and economic injustices."

We believe the EESystem is beneficial in promoting a high level of well being. We also believe societal injustices cause lasting emotional, spiritual and physical harm. We stand in solidarity with groups who have experienced long standing social injustice and/or are experiencing financial hardship. The Restore and Recover Program reflects our commitment to impact individuals, families, and communities harmed by institutional, social and economic injustices.

  • Descendants of enslaved Africans identifying as Black or African-American
  • Indigenous Peoples, First Americans, Tribal People of North America
  • Previously Incarcerated
  • Veterans
  • People previously addicted
  • California households earning less than $75k per year

If you identify in at least one category or intersecting categories, you are eligible for the Restore and Recover Program.

Benefit: Purchase one 2-hour session and receive two free 2-hour sessions. This is a one time benefit and cannot be combined with any other discounts or packages.

2 Hour, and Children's EESystem Sessions are eligible for this program. If you believe you qualify, please schedule a consultation.

Call 415-881-7504 for a Restore & Recover Consultation

Do you have more questions? Send us a quick message using the form below.

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